weaponize|weaponized|weaponizes|weaponizing in English


use as a weapon; use as a potential weapon; make into a weapon (also weaponise)

Use "weaponize|weaponized|weaponizes|weaponizing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "weaponize|weaponized|weaponizes|weaponizing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "weaponize|weaponized|weaponizes|weaponizing", or refer to the context using the word "weaponize|weaponized|weaponizes|weaponizing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Weaponized smallpox!

2. Will modern physicists weaponize string theory?

3. So it was weaponized.

4. 12 They were close to weaponizing ricin—a lethal plant toxin.

5. 2 They were close to weaponizing ricin—a lethal plant toxin.

6. I think secretary of defense richards is trying To use the military to weaponize it.

7. Agonizers are in fact tortured immature titans weaponized by the Skorne Empire

8. Think of it as a weaponized tablet preloaded with address resolution protocol spoofing.

9. This is the weaponized version of the 718 Cayman, Porsche’s entry-level sports coupe

10. The most prominent threat is posed by the attempts to overthrow the ABM Treaty and to weaponize outer space

11. A Bioweapon, or biological agent, is a weaponized pathogen intended to cause disease in lifeforms

12. In Devilian form, the Cannoneer becomes death incarnate, a weaponized Devilian shredding multiple enemies with a single shot

13. Canadarm3 is a weaponized Heavy Bomber used by Canada during the battle against the invading Nazi forces

14. It will be easy for anybody to go ahead and print their own bio- virus, enhanced versions of ebola or anthrax, weaponized flu.

15. Bioweapons (aka bioterrorism) is the weaponized use of microbes to create disease and death, targeting ethnicities & causing pandemics.

16. Autism Weaponizing "Ableism" in the World of Autism How this label is used to shut down accounts of severe autism and I/DD

17. It will be easy for anybody to go ahead and print their own bio-virus, enhanced versions of ebola or anthrax, weaponized flu.

18. According to published accounts, Japanese forces weaponized the tropical fruit by turning them into "coconut bombs" filled with acid and a hand grenade.

19. "I think he’s demonstrated a disdain for both the substance of intelligence as well as its protection," Clapper said, adding, "he's used it on occasion, weaponized it against political opponents.

20. Media Conglomeration at best renders journalism obsolete, and at worst, it weaponizes a profession that could have been used to prevent this very problem that is the concentration of power by those with enough to keep it

21. The military Advancements highlighted in the publication are remarkable and that’s without mentioning the vast arsenal of short to long-range rockets, including the continuous development of weaponized drone technology

22. The Center for Medical Progress released a new video today explaining how Kamala Harris, as California Attorney General, Colluded with Planned Parenthood to weaponize California’s video recording law to punish CMP’s undercover reporting on Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue harvesting and research programs

23. Mindf*ck goes deep inside Cambridge Analytica’s “American operations,” which were driven by Steve Bannon’s vision to remake America and fueled by mysterious billionaire Robert Mercer’s money, as it weaponized and wielded the massive store of data it had harvested on individuals—in excess of 87 million—to disunite the United States

24. Story at-a-glanceFrancis Boyle, who for decades has advocated against the development and use of Bioweapons, suspects COVID-19 is a weaponized pathogen that escaped from Wuhan City’s Biosafety Level 4 facility, which was specifically set up to research coronaviruses and SARSAccording to Boyle, the COVID-19 virus is a chimera

25. Alchemists are a cabal of mystics affiliated with the Lords of Alchemy who torments Ryu Hayabusa with their arcane powers and have managed to weaponized Alchemy to be used in combat.1 They are fought as enemies in Ninja Gaiden 3 and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, serving as both ordinary enemies and variations of Alchemists appearing as mini-boss characters